Everyone has stress. Some stress can actually be a good thing. But when you start to stress too much about the things that are out of your control, it can lead to more serious issues, like anxiety.
Let’s face it, there are so many things in life that we have no control over. And that’s harder for some people to hold onto than others. Control often comes with a sense of security or comfort. Not having it in any particular situation might make you feel uneasy or more stressed than usual.
So, how can you endure and work through the stress things that aren’t in your control causes? By focusing on the things that are.
Here’s what that means in practice.
Make a Determination
One way to get through any stressful situation is to pause and determine what you can and can’t control. Sometimes, you may not be able to control much more than your own attitude. But that’s a big deal!
Knowing that you’re in control of how you respond to a situation can make you feel powerful, even if the rest of it seems up in the air.
If there are other things within your control, focus on doing what you can within that scope to make the situation better. But the things that aren’t in your control, you need to let go. The sooner you accept a “whatever will be will be” mentality, the sooner you can also let go of some of that excess worry and stress.
Consider Your Worries
When the stress a situation that is out of your control begins to overwhelm you, think about your fears and worries. Usually, letting those thoughts get the best of you is what fuels stress in the first place.
So, consider the worst-case scenario. What are you afraid will happen? What’s the worst that could happen? How would you cope with that?
More often than not, the actual outcome of the situation won’t be nearly as bad as what you may have imagined. So, don’t be afraid to think about the negative possibilities and what they might mean. When something to a lesser negative degree occurs, you can breathe a sigh of relief and learn not to get overly stressed next time.
Manage Your Stress Daily
There are things in your life that you can absolutely control to manage your stress on a daily basis. That means finding something that works for you to combat everyday feelings of stress. And then the more overwhelming situations in your life won’t feel as powerful. For some people, daily exercise is a great way to reduce stress. For others, meditation and mindfulness can help.
Positive affirmations can also help. Start your day by saying something like “you’ve got this,” or “I can do it.” Far too often, negative self-talk fuels the fires of stress and uncertainty. Simply saying something positive and motivational out loud can make a big difference in the way you feel throughout the day.
By practicing techniques in your daily life that keep your stress under control, you can learn to manage it better when a situation feels completely out of your control.
Understand You’re Not Alone
As noted at the outset, everyone experiences stress on a regular basis. Many people have a hard time handling it because a stressful situation can at times feel like it’s out of your control.
If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. You don’t have to feel so overwhelmed by things out of your grasp. There is help available.
If you’re struggling with stress and feel like you can’t move past the things you can’t control, feel free to contact me. Together, we can talk about more effective ways to endure stress and hone in your focus on the things in your life that you can control.